Comprehensive Embassy Document Legalisation Services in Pretoria, South-Africa.

Our offices are located within a radius of 5 kilometres of more than a hundred embassies in the Capital of South Africa. We have working relationships with most embassies as we legalise thousands of documents per year with various embassies on a regular basis. We offer a comprehensive embassy legalisation service. We can arrange for your documents to be legalised and attested in just a few days. Legalising documents with most embassies is a time-consuming and confusing process. Researching the subject alone can take hours before you even begin stumbling through the various steps required.

Help is on hand. With vast experience legalising and attesting documents with many of the embassies, consulates and High Commissions in Pretoria, we have detailed knowledge of the process and operating procedure to rapidly complete embassy legalisations. Knowledge of each embassy document legalisation rules and regulations; submission procedures and payment requirements ensure that we avoid delays and the inconvenience and cost implications of rejected documents.

Comprehensive Embassy Legalisation Service!

We take care of the entire process. Send us your documents and save yourself a lot of trouble and time.

One simple to complete the order form to complete and post with your documents. Click for Quotation Form

  • On receipt, your documents are checked for suitability and to confirm the best way to process them. Click here for the list of commonly legalised documents.
  • We then attend the various governmental departments, translator, High Court, Department of Foreign Affairs and the relevant embassy.  It can take up to 10 attendances at various institutions to have your documents legalised up to embassy level.
  • We add embassy fees onto our account. It is advisable to first get a quotation of costs especially if the documents are for corporate or business purposes. Some embassies charge substantial fees for these corporate legalisations.

We understand that legalising documents for use abroad can be complicated. We are here to make your life easier. Do not hesitate to contact us for help or advice. You are also welcome to visit our offices to discuss your options, costs involved and estimated time frames for completion.


Ordering and quoting online is simple and safe. Complete the secure online form to get a no-obligation quotation with a time estimate for completion. You can use the secure incorporated facility to upload any documents you would like us to check