Delivery Options for your Legalised Documents. Or simply collect your documents from our offices in Pretoria.

We courier your document

We can courier your document abroad directly from our office to any worldwide destination!

Just provide us with the recipient address and we’ll handle the rest. We ship all documents abroad via secure courier, mainly DHL OR Courier Guy (SA), but we can use any other courier if requested. We will email over a tracking number so you can sit back and have peace of mind that your legalised document is on its way.

It is important that you choose the most suitable cost effective delivery method for the return of your documents.


  • We can deliver your documents anywhere in the world. Choose to have the document delivered to your home, your workplace, another business, your future employer, a family member or friend. If you are local to our office you can collect the documents in person.
  • We recommend customers choose either Overnight Express mail courier delivery or DHL for international shipments. Both of these services are supported by courier guarantees and in the unlikely event that a shipment is misplaced or lost we can assist with contacting the courier.
  • We do not have to return the document to your home address. Many customers choose return delivery to their work address to avoid missing a daytime courier delivery if selected. Alternatively we can ship your document anywhere in the world. This is popular for customers that want the document urgently sent to the authority overseas requesting the apostille from them.
  • If you would like to discuss the best delivery option for your documents please contact one our helpful advisers who will talk you through the services.
  • Delivery times quoted are estimates. Actual delivery times will vary depending on the location of the delivery, access to remote areas, regional differences in public holidays and unforeseen delays.